
Tips and tricks on all things

Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010

Tips to Healthy Fast Breaking (Buka Puasa)

Break Fast Menu must be considered, so that we pass in the implementation of the fast of Ramadan. Well, for it was she Tips to Healthy Fast Break, please refer to my friend;
  1. Drink enough and eat gradually (start with small portions), so that the stomach is not twisted.
  2. Begin with sweet drinks and sweet foods. Especially Dates break the fast with sweet cakes or 1-2 low-fat (such as snacks cakes made from rice flour), n body fluids to restore blood sugar levels.
  3. Do not eat the appetizers as well as in quantity, so our blood sugar levels do not rise abruptly.
  4. After a grace period of an hour (after the Maghrib prayer), then my friend's stomach filled with food in a full portion. Food consumed should be varied so that all the nutrients can be met.
  5. Enough to drink. Approximately 2 liters a day (± 8 cups). Every day, men need 2000-2500 calories and is equivalent to 2000-2500 intake of water that must be fulfilled so that the body feels fresh.
  6. Do not eat that contain herbs too stimulating, such as chili or thick coconut milk.
  7. Do not drink and eat that cause gas, ie, cabbage, radish, jackfruit, sweet potatoes and soft drinks.
  8. Do not eat sticky tape, coffee, and tea for stomach acid can stimulate spending.
  9. After Isha prayers and tarawih, temen-temen longer allowed to consume foods such interlude with the appetizer servings.
  10. Before going to sleep tonight, could be a distraction food consumption choices. For example, a glass of juice or fruit compote.
  11. There is one habit that many people, namely drinking ice water or ice that is mixed into the beverage before eating a meal.
This is very harmful because the ice can withstand hunger. As a result, other, more nutritious meals can not be eaten, thus reducing the intake of necessary nutrients. Avoid drinking ice when breaking fast.

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